About Us

About Us
Forever Green Tree Farm is owned and operated by Larry and Margie Cooke. The farm is located 8 miles south of St. Maries, ID and (a second farm co-owned with Bryan and Katie Elliott.) This farm is located 2 miles east of Plummer, ID. Our home farm has been in existence since 1983 and is truly is a family operation. We raised four children on the farm and now we have 13 grand kids helping out.
Our Farm

The following are our primary landscape tree types:
- Colorado spruce
- Norway spruce
- Englemann spruce
- Black Hills spruce
- Austrian pine
- Ponderosa pine
- Corkbark fir
- Western larch
We are blessed with a silt loam soil type that has a high water holding capacity and we receive nice timely June rains. The annual precipitation is 37 inches. At 3100 feet, our elevation contributes to a delayed bud break well into May.
Every tree receives annual treatment such as pruning and nutrient and pest management. We continue to develop new markets, hosting media groups to promote the industry, follow-up with customers, quality control or loading trucks. This assures highest quality from the growing fields to the customer.
We strive to be an environmentally sound business managing the forest according to sound forestry and silvicultural practices. Every acre has received some kind of conservation treatment. This has resulted in a fast-growing healthy forest. Our field research projects include the incorporation of grain straw and other organic materials to provide weed control, increase nutrients and organic matter to the soil.
Our most important priority is to provide a high quality product with an added personal touch to each and every customer.

Forever Green Tree Farm is part of the community and we strive to enrich our community as it enriches us.
Each year more than 70 6th graders gather at Forever Green Tree farm for a two-day Natural Resources and Environmental camp The two-day camp has many local resource professionals and volunteers assisting with break-out sessions, camp cooking and recreation. We invite both groups and individuals for personal farm tours and outings.
We take pride in our community and in being part of a green industry. We encourage groups to visit us. Please contact us for more information if your group is interested in visiting Forever Green Tree Farm.

This 14 foot Grand Fir was provided by Forever Green Tree Farm to President Bush’s Secretary of Agiculture’s office in 2003.

- Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association
- National Christmas Tree Association
- American Forest Institute: Tree Farm System
- Certified Stewardship Forest
- Benewah Soil and Water Conservation District Cooperator
- Idaho Department of Agriculture Licensed Nursery
- Licensed Professional Pest Management Consultant/Applicator
- St. Maries Chamber of Commerce
- Washington Agricultural/Forestry Leadership Foundation
- Idaho Tree Farmer of the Year: 1989, 2018